
Some projects I am working on/maintain:

This website
Set up personal website, deployed on pythonanywhere, incorporating contact form and db Learned further flask testing, db in a webapp, automated email, responsive HTML/CSS.

dionysus - Student avatar score chart generator
App for teachers to chart test scores using ‘secret’ avatars rather than student names, for privacy purposes.
Learned to set up and integrate CI pipelines, coverage, code quality tools, implement effective versioning, JSON, argparse, OOP, basic Tkinter GUI elements, converted from unittest to pytest.
Originally implemented in fully functional paradigm, then incremental conversion to OOP, using an abstracted database to support varied db backend implementations (eg JSON files, SQLite).

probable_immunity - Vaccine efficacy website
Website showing user possible chance of immunity to various illnesses and risk of contracting those illnesses following exposure, vaccine efficacy.
Currently hosted on pythonanywhere.

xkcd_archiver - Download and maintain an archive of xkcd comics quickly.
Twist on typical web scraping starter project to quickly archive all of the images from the XKCD web comic, using the site’s JSON API and threading to download images directly rather than scraping HTML.
Learned to use requests, Flask-WTF forms, parse JSON, effectively employ threading.